
What is a US visa & how does it work?

The visa gives foreign nationals the right to present themselves at a U.S. border or port of entry and seek entry. Ultimately, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer at the border or airport makes the final decision whether to allow someone into the country.

What is a travel visa?

There are a wide array of visas from education, to work, and of course—travel. In most cases, a travel visa (sometimes also referred to as a tourism visa) is designed for short-term visits that limit the consecutive number of days that an international traveler can legally reside in the country before they must return to their country of residence.

What is the difference between a tourist visa and a business visa?

Tourist visas are issued to individuals who would like to sojourn in Namibia on holiday for a period not exceeding 90 days. A Business visa allows the holder thereof to enter Namibia for professional activities such as meetings, research, conferences or visiting a subsidiary branch of the parent company.

What is a work visa?

A Work Visa allows you to legally work in a certain country for a specific period of time. Most countries require you to have a job offer from that country before you apply for a Work Visa. The Company which has given you the job offer also needs to sponsor your Visa.


